markboulton’s avatarmarkboulton’s Twitter Archive—№ 33,286

    1. Would you hire person A or B: A: A designer who could articulate their work well, but their work always fell short on quality. B: A designer who found it challenging to articulate their work, but their work was consistently excellently executed.
  1. …in reply to @markboulton
    I think there’s something in this. Many designers who have followed a ‘traditional’ path have been tuned into their ability to work on feel. Much of art, architecture, why we find somethings appealing over others, is not rational. Like a chef’s palette, this is experiential.
    1. …in reply to @markboulton
      More senior designers have developed a sense of explaining how they’ve made decisions. Certainly, anyone who has had to sell design has had to explain it. A lot of it is post-rational bullshit though, frankly, imo. Innovative design takes leaps of faith. Much of it on ‘feel’.