markboulton’s avatarmarkboulton’s Twitter Archive—№ 33,304

      1. Would you hire person A or B: A: A designer who could articulate their work well, but their work always fell short on quality. B: A designer who found it challenging to articulate their work, but their work was consistently excellently executed.
    1. …in reply to @markboulton
      So, here’s my take on this… Obviously, it depends. But… all things being equal. I’d hire B. Coaching a talented designer to articulate their work is easier and faster than developing design talent.
  1. …in reply to @markboulton
    Additionally… Through things like structured critique and open design reviews, design managers can bring the best out of designers who find it difficult to articulate their work. That’s why good design managers need a background in design imo. They ask the right questions.