markboulton’s avatarmarkboulton’s Twitter Archive—№ 33,318

  1. I have a design system questions: • What tooling are you using to keep parity between code in the system and Figma? • How does the automation happen, or is it manual? • Where is the source of truth?
    1. …in reply to @markboulton
      Ok, so the growing consensus here is there is no parity. It’s too hard. Code is truth. That being the case: How can changes that happen during iteration in code make it back into Figma, so when this component is used again, it’s not rebuilt because it’s slightly different?
      1. …in reply to @markboulton
        Of course, all this would be mitigated by having 1-1 designer/developer pairing at all times, but, y’know, scale…
    2. …in reply to @markboulton
      Here’s a hypothetical. Product team A. Moving fast. Designer using Figma. Code is shipped. Product team B. In discovery. Making new components & prototypes. No production code shipped. Both teams using Figma. How does the DS team ensure parity between all design and code?
      1. …in reply to @markboulton
        Because it seems to me the answer is ‘manually’. Which means 90% herding cats, and 10% addressing growing design debt.